The Movement for the Abolition of War


Celebration of MAW success

Nearly 70 friends celebrated MAW’s first 20 years at our online birthday party on 27 May – sadly with only a virtual cake! Our founder Bruce Kent started proceedings by recalling the Hague conference from which MAW was born and then outlined MAW’s many achievements since that time. MAW chair …

MAW DVDs now on YouTube!

War No More Excellent 14-minute film featuring Professor Rotblat, Bishop Tutu, Bruce Kent, Jon Snow, Caroline Lucas, Martin Bell and others. View it, then buy the DVD and booklet of discussion starters from the MAW shop! Conflict & Climate Change Striking 18-minute film making the links between climate change, conflict …

MAW submission to the Foreign Affairs Committee re the Defence & Security Review 2020

Introduction to Movement for the Abolition of War Movement for the Abolition of War (MAW) is a voluntary organisation founded in 2001, following the 1999 Hague Appeal for Peace, by Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat FRS, Nobel Peace Laureate, and Bruce Kent. MAW challenges popular thinking about the acceptability of war …