The Movement for the Abolition of War

Donate to MAW

For nearly twenty years The Movement for the Abolition of War has been spreading the belief that abolishing war is both desirable and possible.

The funds we receive from Membership subscriptions enable us to carry out our basic work, but we can always do more to raise awareness of the need to find alternatives to war in resolving disputes at all levels.

In addition to their subscription, many members make regular additional donations which enable us to do so much more.

We really appreciate all the help you can give us. Thank you!

Online Donations

You can make online donations using your credit/debit card, either as a regular monthly payment, or as a one-off. Clicking on a button will take you to the Stripe payments system, and once you have made the payment you will return to this website.


If you prefer, you can send us a cheque. Please make it payable to Movement for the Abolition of War and post to:

1 Old Mill Place, Vicarage Lane,
Haslemere, GU27 1NE

Leave MAW a Legacy

If you are making or altering a will, please consider leaving a legacy to MAW. Several members have already done this and our work has benefited tremendously.