Category: <span>Blog</span>

Category: Blog


Why We Should Be Optimistic I dedicate this blog to Bruce Kent. He is the one person I have most admired ever since I met him in 1966 when he was Catholic Chaplain to the University of London and I was President of the University of London Union.  Bruce’s integrity, …

Bruce Kent writes about the UN and nuclear disarmament

In work for global justice and peace, not surprisingly, there are highs and lows. My earliest ‘high’ comes in the form of a League of Nations colour poster issued just before the 1932 Geneva disarmament conference. It shows lots of children marching hopefully towards peace. The League of Nations Union …

Making War History

by Bruce KentThis article first appeared in Pax Christi’s newsletter, Justpeace, for March/April 2005 “Making Poverty History” must also mean making war history. World annual military expenditure is again creeping up to the 1 trillion dollar mark – that’s a thousand billion dollars a year – a sum that dwarfs …