No military attack on Syria! There is to be a ‘no military attack on Syria’ presence 5pm tomorrow, Wednesday 28th August, at Downing St. The MAW banner will be there – anyone free to join Bruce Kent for an hour or so most welcome.
Date Added: 27th Aug 2013
Peace History Conference 2013 ‘The Peace and Anti-War Movement on the eve of the first world war – lessons for today’ Friday 20th and Saturday 21st September 2013 at the Friends Meeting House, Mount Street. Manchester
Date Added: 24th Jun 2013
A punishing budget: but the government prepares to spend 100bn on nuclear weaponsNuclear weapons provide the illusion of security not the reality. Bruce Kent, 21/03/13, New Statesman.
Date Added: 24th Mar 2013
New look Abolish War newsletter! Can’t wait for the hardcopy edition? Download it now!
Download Document: Newsletter: Abolish War, Spring 2013, Issue 23
Date Added: 6th Mar 2013
Time to Scrap Trident: Stop fooling with nuclear weaponsCND Protest: AWE Aldermaston 12 noon to 2pm Easter Monday 1st AprilDownload Document: Leaflet: CND action 1/4/13
Date Added: 24th Feb 2013
MAW Public Meeting ‘Disarmament and Development’ Monday 15 April Global Day of Action on Military Spending. 5pm to 6:30pm, House of Commons Committee Room. Speakers: Caroline Lucas MP, John Hilary of War on Want and Kate Hudson of CND. All welcome. GDAMS ‘Call to action’ here, or at Document: GDAMS: Call to action 15/04/13
Date Added: 20th Feb 2013
Woking Action of Peace Debate Woking Action for Peace are holding a series of debates in 2013, starting with Bruce Kent. Bruce will be speaking on “War: is it justified? does it work?” on Saturday 19 January 11.00am to 12.30pm in Christ Church, Jubilee Square, Woking, GU21 6YG. There are lots of trains to Woking (fast train from Waterloo is only 23 minutes) so come and take part in the debate.
Date Added: 7th Dec 2012