The Movement for the Abolition of War


Challenge Militarism

A publication from Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, 2010 “Whilst military capacity is exposed every day to be a terminally ineffective method of assuring security given the nature of modern threats, militaries the world over consume ever-increasing amounts of the world’s human and economic resources. Despite this realization, …

War is not inevitable

In 2010, the British Pugwash Group published a statement in which three distinguished scientists argue that “War is not inevitable: aggressiveness can be tamed”. British Pugwash is the UK arm of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, an international network of scientists and others concerned about the social …

“Failing Intelligence: The true story of how we were fooled into going to war in Iraq” review

by Brian JonesBiteback, 2010 With Iraq, dodgy dossiers and David Kelly in mind, this book is a must-read. Brian Jones was an intelligence official (he retired in 2003), and this is the story from the inside, making use of his personal knowledge of the system, the process that led us …

“Remember War Make Peace: services, reflections, prayers and readings for Remembrance Sunday” review

by David Adam, Nick Fawcett, Ray Simpson, Christine TitmusKevin Mayhew, 2010(with free CD)  “Who is the slayer, who the victim? Speak.” Sophocles, 3rd Century BC. Remembrance Sunday is the time when the words we speak take on a particular power and significance. This collection was devised not as a substitute …

“The Secret Life of War – journeys through modern conflict” review

by Peter BeaumontVintage Books, 2010 This is a must-read book, beautifully and honestly written. Peter Beaumont, as the Observer’s chief foreign correspondent, has covered many conflicts. Drawing on his notes and memories of people and places, he explores what happens to those whose lives become ruled by war. Whether soldiers, …