Category: <span>Events</span>

Category: Events

Remembrance Lecture 2016: “Humanity in the midst of war”

Vickie Hawkins, Executive Director, MSF UK The annual MAW Remembrance Day LectureSunday 13th November, 3pm​Imperial War MuseumLambeth Road, London SE1 6HZ   This talk looked at some of the challenges experienced by Médecins Sans Frontières, an independent, medical, humanitarian organisation, over the past fifteen years, as it works to provide …

Report on Peace History Conference 2014: Alternative Voices of World War One

Saturday October 11th, 2014 The day long event, which took place at the Imperial War Museum in London, offered an array of fascinating talks from distinguished members of the peace and academic communities. The 150 participants were welcomed by Terry Charman, senior historian at the Imperial War Museum, and following an …